Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spread Out Your Tents

The other night at Bible study, Trish our teaching leader, pointed out that in the book of Isaiah Israel is told to spread out their tents or act in faith and plan for God to bless them with numerous descendants.  Then she challenged us to think about where God might be calling us to spread out our tents or take steps of faith to prepare for what he has in store for us.  
I immediately thought about going to Brazil!  In so many ways it was a step of faith to commit to this trip, and leave some of life's other details in the hands of God to work out.  So far I havent regretted it (duh!), and I cant wait to see what else is in store!  

Spread out your tent -yo!


Friday, March 18, 2011

So here's the story -

Or at least some stats on Brazil:

It's the largest country in South America and the world's 5th largest.

It has a population of over 190 million.

The people speak Portuguese because it was originally a colony of Portugal.

Brazil's GDP is the world's 8th largest economy, with the 7th largest purchasing power; and it's growing at the fastest rate anywhere!

Brazil boasts the world's largest Roman Catholic population, however there's been a decline in the last 10 years in favor of Protestantism.

More info coming soon!  Stay tuned!

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let me Just say...

I'm so enjoying our students and it's been great to see a renewed energy in them that I think is due in large part to the trip.  With all the preparation of those going on the trip and those sending, they seem to be pulling together.  
What a great blessing!  
Glory to God!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Late Breaking News

We have a late joiner!  

Meet Grace

I'm so glad she'll be making the trip with us.  With her addition we've got 10 students, 4 adults, 2 missionaries, and 1 great adventure!

We had a Brazil meeting today during our FLOCK hour.  Our attention was turned to Philippians 2.1-11 where we looked at what makes us 'great' in the kingdom of HeavenHumility.

My prayer this week is to humble myself before the Lord, draw close, and listen for his still small voice.

Also be in prayer for Megan.  She's on another trip to Guatemala serving in an orphanage.  Another great opportunity to experience God's hand working in and around her.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

20 weeks

In Prego world that would mean half way until baby time.  In Brazil world, it means 20 WEEKS UNTIL WE LEAVE!!!!!!!!!  And really, it was 20 weeks from let's call it an even 19.5! :)

The Countdown is ON!